Got a question about drone services? These are things we frequently get asked

Can you fly in a built-up city environment?

Every drone company in the UK is registered with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and must fly and co-ordinate to a set of rules and distances in order to legally comply with them. Thanks to RUAS’ long history of safe approaches and methodology in the industry as well as high-quality training and aircraft, we’re able to fly at far more flexible limitations that simply aren’t available to many other drone operators in the country.

Because of this, it means that RUAS can operate a lot more freely within cities and urban environments with a range of aircraft to meet various operational needs and outcomes. Even meeting the standards and applications needed by both other airspace users and rail representatives are a relatively straight forward affair that we comply with regularly and easily.

For further information, please feel free to read one of our case studies here.

Can you fly in all weathers?

Living in the UK often has more than its fair share of dealing with bad weather and nothing highlights this more than finding a decent window to fly our aircraft. The best way to overcome this is with safe reliable equipment, appropriate risk mitigation, and thorough planning to make the most of time available.

Thanks to our team, we’re able to capitalise on these opportunities and reach multiple destinations and operations in a way that many others cannot, passing on these benefits to clients.

For more of an idea of what kind of aircraft we use, check out our case study here.

Can I have a go?

Unfortunately, not just anyone can fly these drones and aircraft. Our pilots go through extensive planning and aircraft handling training that has been approved by the CAA. While they are a source of some incredible fun and footage, drones should always be treated and flown responsibly.

You can find more information on why you should always use a CAA approved pilot here.

For all your commercial drone enquiries please get in touch with us

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